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January 1st 2021 marked the first day in which the UK truly felt separate from its EU neighbours. As a result of the last-minute trade and cooperation agreements shipments between both sides were maintained, albeit at a slower pace. Unfortunately, the delay in this agreement has meant that most businesses, including ones in Malta, have had little time to prepare for this new reality.

This practical guide should help you understand the basic requirements required to ship goods to and from the UK and Malta. Since this is still a fluid situation, certain criteria may change in the coming weeks or months.

The Current Procedure

Since the UK is now a third-party country to the EU, goods imported to Malta will require the relevant T1 document and Export Declaration to travel with them. Similarly, shipments leaving Malta for the UK will require T1 export documents.

Our appointed agent in the UK is now required to prepare and issue the necessary export and customs transit documents for all goods travelling to and from the country. This has resulted in increased costs which have forced EuroBridge to reluctantly introduce additional fees for such shipments.

Duty Exemptions

The EU has negotiated a preferential trade agreement with the UK which is similar to that already in place with Turkey. When a supplier’s EORI number is registered with the UK HM Revenue and Customs department, and the goods being shipped have been manufactured in the UK, a duty exemption may apply.

We therefore strongly recommend that you check with your UK suppliers to ensure that they are duly registered. When shipping UK-made goods, original documentation which is signed and stamped must travel in the same shipment. By ensuring that this procedure is followed you every time you will be benefiting from lower import costs. VAT, however, will remain applicable for all goods imported from third parties.

Importing from Ireland

The Republic of Ireland (RoI) remains a full member of the EU, so shipments to and from the country are not subject to any duties. However, in the case of Northern Ireland, shipments must follow the same rules as the rest of the UK.

Personal Shipments

Procedures regarding business shipments have been given priority by relevant departments over personal shipments. As a result, precise procedures to import or export personal goods to and from the UK and Malta are still not finalised.

Striving for Smoother Shipments

Whilst delays in shipments are to be expected until businesses on both sides of the Channel adapt to the new rules, there are steps you can take to make the process simpler. EuroBridge has been keeping up to date with the very latest requirements, and, as such, is in an ideal position to help you bring your goods from the UK to Malta quickly. From your end, we would initially require a customs invoice sent to you by the supplier. This invoice must contain, as a minimum:

  • Details (name & address) of both the importer and exporter
  • Descriptions of goods
  • Packaging details (type & number of packages and dimensions)
  • Consignment weight (both gross and net)
  • Sales value and currency for each type of goods
  • Incoterms
  • Country of origin
  • EORI numbers (both the exporter’s and importer’s)
  • HS classification codes (also known as commodity code)
  • Customs procedure code

In addition to the customs invoice, you should also have a commercial invoice and packing list available. These documents should be included in the shipment, but you should request a copy sent via email from the supplier.

Contact us today to request further information or to trust us with your next shipment to or from the UK.