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The present situation has driven many companies to carry out a complete re-organization of the way they usually operate to ensure the safety of their staff and clients. The shipping and logistics industry was also affected by these changes, particularly the administrative aspects which normally take place in an office environment.

During this time, EuroBridge was able to reap the benefits of going paperless and move virtually all of its transactions to digital systems. This advanced setup made it possible to ease the transition to remote working for everyone involved and continue delivering clients the same level of service and dedication.

Insights from our team’s experience

As the country turns the page to a new normality and begins adjusting to new social distancing and health guidelines for daily life and business, our employees share a few of the insights they learnt during the time they spent working from home (WFH).

Which change took the longest to get used to after you began working from home?

The most significant challenge we faced during the first two days of WFH was coordinating remotely between the sales and bookings departments. A few management tasks tend to be more easily done in person, but we were able to adapt well after a short while.

How would you compare your first week of remote working during COVID-19 to this week?

At first, it was quite hectic to get used to a completely different setup and working methods than we were used to at the office. Maintaining open and clear contact between the different teams is crucial to our operations, and we were able to grow a lot in this area in terms of learning new skills that helped us communicate effectively while working from our homes.

While working from home, did you learn anything new about how to motivate yourself to be productive?

As far as being productive, working from home presents its particular set of challenges; however, those us who are used to working at our desks in the office probably didn’t see such a huge difference and we kept our focus as usual.

In your opinion, what is the most important thing to make remote working successful?

The most important thing to make WFH work for you is to stay in constant communication your colleagues and to make a team effort to boost morale by keeping positive vibes going during these difficult times, as it’s not always easy to do it sometimes.

What do you miss most from working at the office?

Meeting and interacting with colleagues, particularly coordinating together on projects which we usually do in person. Right now, we have a department working via team video chat and another department that exchanges messages and calls on a different platform.

Thank you to our front liners and stay safe everyone

A special mention must go to warehouse workers, who throughout the entire situation continued to handle client shipments efficiently while practising the measures that were put into place to safeguard everybody’s health and safety.

We encourage other companies to follow social distancing measures and keep up the efforts to keep staff and customers safe at this time.

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