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EuroBridge participated in the Pink October initiative held this month, and joined other workplaces in Malta that dressed up in pink to raise awareness about breast cancer in the community.

All the team members at EuroBridge reported to work on the 27th October wearing pink to show their support to the Pink October movement, which aims to de-stigmatise the disease and promote the importance of self-examination, regular check-ups and early detection.

This year’s theme was Face Your Fears, a call to everyone living with breast cancer and survivors to unite and speak out about their experiences. Breast cancer is the number one cause of cancer-related deaths among women in Malta and around 300 new cases are diagnosed every year.

It was with a sense of solidarity and deep appreciation of the courage of these people, that the staff at EuroBridge donned pink and decorated the office with pink balloons to do their part in raising awareness of this cause. Clients who visited the office were offered strawberries to take with them and share in order to spread the word.

EuroBridge will be making a donation to The Marigold Foundation, which organises many activities connected to Pink October in the community.

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